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Joanne Brown

Photo of Joanne Brown

Phone: 403-556-4038

Key Roles:

I am the grade nine homeroom teacher here at OKCS and am thrilled to be teaching Health 9 and Bible 9 this year.  I also very much enjoy teaching Bible and math to the grade sevens and have the privilege of teaching junior high and senior high school art (as well as art for the grade sixes).  It is also great fun to teach a few elementary subjects:  social, health and physical education for our grade twos as well as health for the grade fives, and the first semester of Bible for the grade sixes.  Being able to encourage students in their walk with God is the best!

About Me:

I love reading and learning (often listening to podcasts about God's Word); playing cards and board games, and enjoying our ever growing family!  

My husband is the principal of OKCS.  Dwayne and I have been with the Olds Koinonia family since 1987 and we continue to count it such a joy to be ambassadors of the Lord as He works in the lives of our students; as He works in their families; and as He works in our own hearts.  One of my favourite Bible verses is 2 Chronicles 16:9:  "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 

God Bless!

Joanne Brown

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