Admission & Registration

OKCS Registration Process

Thank you for your interest in Olds Koinonia Christian School! At this point, our school is at capacity and most classes have waiting lists. Because of the increase in demand, we are looking into expansion options. 

If you would like to learn more about us, please call the school at 403-556-4038, email the office or complete the form. Please call if you are interested in scheduling a tour of the school. 


Kindergarten Pre-Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open.  Please complete this form Kinder Pre-Registration. Families will be contacted in the order their forms were received. Thank you for your interest in Olds Koinonia!

Grades 1-12:

There are Four Steps for New Student Pre-Registrations at Olds Koinonia Christian School.

Step One: 

  1. Read through our admission policy, below.
  2. Be able to agree and sign off on our Parents' Commitment
  3. Be involved in a local church
  4. Affirm the Statement of Faith
  5. Submit a Pastoral Reference Letter

Step Two: (after Step One is Complete)

  1. Submit the OKCS Society Application 2024-2025 school year or
  2. Submit the OKCS Society Application 2025-2026 school year. 

Step Three: (after the Society Application has been submitted and received)

  1.  A Society Board representative or school employee will contact each new family that applies to schedule an interview prior to final acceptance of registrations.

Step Four: (after a society application has been accepted and approved)

  1. The school office will email the family a link to complete the Chinook's Edge School Division/Olds Koinonia Christian School's online student registration.

Existing Families (Re-Registration):

  1. In March, we require our existing families to complete an intent to re-enroll form.  This saves their spot on the list. 
  2. In August, families need to complete the online annual re-registration/demographic update.
  3. We require funds to be paid, or a payment plan in place, before August 25 of the next school year.

OKCS Hybrid Program

Combine the structure with traditional school with the flexibility of homeschooling with OKCS' new Hybrid Program, currently for Grades 7-12:

  • Online learning management system - Hapara
  • Tuesday afternoons and Thursday full days in person with
    • Support from core course teacher
    • PE time
    • Chapel with OKCS students
    • Access to option courses
  • Opportunity to try out for sports teams, participate in field trips, special events & extracurricular activities

More Highlights

  • Access to career counseling support - including Work Experience, Dual Credit, Green Certificate, RAP
  • OKCS Society fees will be applicable, see website for more information

Admission Policy


  1. At least one parent or guardian must be a born again Christian and in full agreement with the Statement of Faith. Believing parents must give indication that they are actively practicing their Christian confession in the home through such means as family devotions, prayer, and Bible study. At least one parent must accept all parts of the Parents' Commitment.
  2. If one parent is an unbeliever, he or she must be supportive of the philosophy and standards of the school as outlined in all but the first four points of the Parents' Commitment and be willing for his or her children to be taught Biblical principles in accordance with the Statement of Faith.
  3. It should be determined, if possible, that the church attended by the applicant is in agreement with the School's Statement of Faith. A Pastor's Report from the church the family has been attending will be required as a part of the admissions process.
  4. Students who will be five years old by December 31 may be enrolled in Kindergarten, and those who will be six years old by September 30 may be enrolled in grade one.
  5. Prior to their enrollment in the school the parents or guardians shall be interviewed by
    a) The Principal OR
    b) The Principal and a board member or staff member OR
    c) At least 2 board members or staff members
    Each interviewing team shall have at least one person who has conducted interviews previously.
  6. Junior High and Senior High students who are applying to enroll shall attend the family interview.
  7. All applicants for admission shall be presented to the Board for consideration. Acceptance or rejection of applicants will be by written notice. No student will be accepted prior to receiving this notice.
  8. Priority in the admission of individual children will be given to families whose children are currently enrolled and to the children of staff members employed by the School.
  9. The Board may require an interview of a school family prior to re-enrollment of their children.
  10. The Principal has the authority to determine the grade placement of each student enrolling or re-enrolling in the school.
  11. Any family who is refused admission may appeal to the Board. The decision of the Board is final.
  12. There shall be an annual review of the Admissions Policy by the Board.