Staff Directory


Photo of Cherie Sanche

Cherie Sanche


Phone: 403-556-4038


placeholder image for Laura Campbell

Laura Campbell

Vice-Principal, SSL

Phone: 403-556-4038


Photo of Emily Neufeld

Emily Neufeld


Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Alex Dennis

Alex Dennis

Student Support Lead

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Donna Wilson

Donna Wilson

Grade 2

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Melanie Lappala

Melanie Lappala

Grade 3

Phone: 403 556-4038

Photo of Laura Campbell

Laura Campbell

Grade 4

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Ryan Miller

Ryan Miller

Physical Education, Grade 5

Phone: (403) 556-4038

placeholder image for Jennifer Scott

Jennifer Scott

Grade 5

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Kari Brown

Kari Brown

Grade 6

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Bonnie Hougestol

Bonnie Hougestol

Grade 8

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Allan Ellingsgaard

Allan Ellingsgaard

Grade 9, Sciences

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Kaitlyn Schnell

Kaitlyn Schnell

Grade 10, English Language Arts

Phone: 403-565-4038

Photo of Diane Sewell

Diane Sewell

Grade 11, Mathematics

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Amy Ross

Amy Ross

Social Studies & Hybrid

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Ken Terpstra

Ken Terpstra

Physical Education, Art

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Katie Underwood

Katie Underwood

Grade 5, in December

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Jessica Juell

Jessica Juell

Inclusive Education

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Donna Reed

Donna Reed

Grade 5, Sept-Dec

Photo of Renee McCracken

Renee McCracken

Grade 12, Social Studies

Phone: 403-556-4038

placeholder image for Joshua Lehman

Joshua Lehman

Grade 7

placeholder image for Jessica Vanderham

Jessica Vanderham

Math 8, Science 9

Educational Assistants

Photo of Kym Fedyshen

Kym Fedyshen

Photo of Arlene Graham

Arlene Graham

Photo of Shana Longstaff

Shana Longstaff

Photo of Pam Mack

Pam Mack

Phone: 4035564038

Photo of Michelle Rowe

Michelle Rowe

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Nicky Shute

Nicky Shute

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Suni Rempel

Suni Rempel

Phone: 403-556-4038

Photo of Benjamin Werdal

Benjamin Werdal

Phone: 403-556-4038

Family Wellness Worker

Photo of Chantal DayMiko

Chantal DayMiko

Family Wellness Worker

Phone: 403-556-4038


Photo of Laurie Neufeld

Laurie Neufeld


Phone: 403-556-4038

Administration Support

Photo of Sarah Paulsen

Sarah Paulsen

Administration Support

Phone: 403-556-4038

Financial Services

Photo of Susan Evans

Susan Evans

Phone: 4035564038

Transportation Services

placeholder image for Pam Boyes

Pam Boyes

Transportation Services

placeholder image for Vernon Ekert

Vernon Ekert

Transportation Services

placeholder image for Linda Munro

Linda Munro

Transportation Services

placeholder image for Ray Rion

Ray Rion

Transportation Services

placeholder image for Larry Watson

Larry Watson

Transportation Services

Our Trustee

Photo of Kathy Kemmere

Kathy Kemmere

Our Trustee

Contact Staff Member