Gerald Rempel

Careers Counsellor
Phone: 403-556-4038
What I Do at OKCS
My official title is Off Campus Learning Coordinator and Career Counsellor. I am enjoying the challenges of the position and helping students in a different way. I still teach Grade 9 Options, CALM 20, Bible 35, Math 10-3, Grade 6 Social Studies and Science, and coaching volleyball.
What I Do When I'm Not at School
During the warm part of the year I try to have grapes grow and cross projects off my "To Do" list. I like to get out to paddle my canoe whenever I can, with or without other members of my family. Vacations usually involve some camping or travelling. When it gets cold, I have been known to take walks through the bush on my snowshoes, but I enjoy my wood stove too much to spend a lot of time outside in the bitter cold.
Since my children have moved to the more independent stages of life, I am getting used to having fewer people around the house, and the benefits in the next phase of life. This includes the blessing of watching and participating in the play of my grandchildren.