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Karlene Algra

Photo of Karlene Algra

Phone: 403-556-4038

I am delighted to be back at Olds Koinonia Christian School, where my career began 20 years ago.  Wow!  That's a long time.

After graduating from the U of L with degrees in drama and education, my husband, Steve, and I moved to Olds in 2001.  I took the position of English and Drama teacher at OKCS, and he developed his trucking and scrap businesses.  I "retired" from teaching in 2006 when the first of our five kids were born, but I returned to OKCS a couple of times since then to cover teacher absences.  For the past four years, I have been a contract marker with Vista Virtual School, marking English 10-1 and 20-1, a position I have enjoyed very much.  Though the volume can be overwhelming at times, I really enjoy marking English assignments, as my students always have some really interesting ideas regarding the texts we are studying.  I love grammar and spelling, and have been known to make permanent corrections to signs around town.  We are very involved in our church, where I help to run the children's program; I have a special fondness for VBS.  If I'm not marking, teaching, or cleaning my house,  you can find me reading to my kids, (just ask me about my favourite picture book authors!), learning the piano, picking up LEGO, drinking coffee, or finding something new at a thrift store. 

I'm pleased to help your children towards greater appreciation towards the English language, and by extension, a greater understanding of the greatest text of all, the Bible.  Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.  I'm looking forward to a great year together!

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